“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1, KJV
Putting God first in all of you plans is the ultimate way to go. If you want success, seek God's kingdom first and all those things will be added unto you (see Matthew 6:33).
If the Lord is not the solid ground on which your business, relationship, friendship, etc is based on, you are in for a hard time. We must involve God in every aspect of our lives...not just in our worship at the local church. You must take Him everywhere.
If a friendship, relationship, etc. that you have is causing you to sin, then you need to cut that person off. If you have to explain anything to them, let them know that they are hindering your progress with the Lord. Be honest. C You are not required to submit to them.
Your Heavenly Father wants what is best for you. Hanging out with someone who is going to cause you to sin is no good for your witness.
For those of you starting a business, you must pray over your business daily. Plead the Blood of Jesus over any avenues you plan to take with your business. Dedicate your business to the Lord. Watch Him bless it!
God must be first in everything. Otherwise, you are just building an idol.
Lately, I’ve been hearing many people say that they are “self-made millionaires.” God is not in that! The fruit from being “self-made” does not comes from the Father. Always check your heart and your motives. Ask yourself, “Does this glorify Jesus or me?”
I want the Lord to cover me and all that I come in contact with. Therefore, I am honored to put the Father first in my ministry to women, as well as in my ability to create resources to exalt Him.
Today, let's put God first, and then make our plans. Let's seek His face about the matter, and then go from there. It makes no sense to labor in vain.